
How We Prioritize Building Green - SBC Blog

How We Prioritize Building Green

At South Bay Construction, we know that an environmentally conscious approach to our projects not only benefits the planet but also improves the economy and enhances the quality of life for everyone involved in our builds. Since the 2007 instatement of CalGreen, a mandatory green buildings standard code that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the levels of 30 years ago, we’ve worked to integrate green construction practices across our business. From our LEED Gold certified headquarters to internal practices and client projects, here are some fundamental ways that we prioritize building green.

Green Construction Starts at Homebase

Our commitments to green construction starts with our headquarters. We designed our office to meet LEED Gold standards, and care for it accordingly: all our cleaning products contain zero to low amounts of volatile air compounds (VOCs). We make sure our employees can participate in making sustainable choices: our kitchen utilizes compostable cups and utensils, and is well stocked with fresh fruit from a local vendor, as well as organic snacks. Access to recreational bikes and an in-office gym and fitness instructor further encourages employees to foster a healthy connection to their environment and their daily routines.

Behind the desk, we reduce paper waste by processing most work electronically. Whenever an electronic device nears the end of its life cycle, we recycle it following e-waste procedures. By aligning our internal practices with a sustainable approach, we can more confidently address client requests for green building methods, while also doing our part to protect the planet.

LEED Credential Training and Implementation

Leed Credential Training & Implementation - 385 Sherman by South Bay Construction

In order to ensure that our team successfully implements green construction practices, we provide LEED credential training to all our project teams. Employees who complete this training continue to participate in the evolving landscape of sustainable building by enrolling in subsequent classes that educate them in the latest green building technologies and research.

These training measures allow us to successfully guide any LEED project to completion. We work directly with clients in the pre-construction phase of projects to plan out how they can meet their desired certification level while providing insight on how a project can gain additional points towards higher certification levels. This method has resulted in our successful completion of several LEED-certified buildings.

  • 385 Sherman, for example, implements glass curtain walls that allow daylight to energize its interior, while drought-resistant plants revitalize its landscape.
  • Our tenant improvement project for Baidu met LEED Silver certification, most notably in its landscaping efforts that reduced water consumption by 40%.
  • Other featured projects that were built to LEED standards include Mission Park Marketplace, which met LEED Silver certification, as well as 221 North Mathilda, which received Platinum certification for the core and shell, and is pending Platinum certification for the interior buildout of 23andMe’s new headquarters.
  • Additional LEED projects to note, include: Omnicell (Platinum), Marriott Cupertino (Gold), Plymouth (Platinum) and Hyatt House (Silver).

Our robust training program and commitment to green construction means we will always support and follow through with a client’s green building plan.

Waste Management Planning

The global volume of construction debris is projected to reach 2.2 billion tons a year by 2025, and landfill waste makes up 5% of global greenhouse gas. In order to counteract that impact, our green building sites implement a waste management plan that aims to divert at least 75% of our construction debris from the landfill.

Waste Management Planning For Construction

This plan relies upon a series of procedural steps such as: assigning responsibility to an on-site employee for managing waste, estimating the waste types and amounts, and identifying recycling and reusing methods for each material. These steps reduce the carbon imprint of our build sites and landfills — an important factor in a green construction approach.

Reducing Environmental Impact

We recognize that a green construction approach asks us to go above and beyond. In addition to meeting existing regulations, we continue our commitment to using cutting edge technology and sustainable materials when possible. These practices allow us to help our communities thrive, while also protecting the planet we all share. To learn more about us and our services, contact (408) 379-5500 and request a quote today!

If you’d like to learn more about our green construction practices, or to start a project of your own, please get in touch.

Photo Credits:South Bay Construction, South Bay Construction, Phototribe / Shutterstock

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